
Fun things that I hope we get around to doing AKA a bucket list

Raise your hand if you attempt some sort of bucket/family activity list during the winter.

Now who crosses off items on that list?

That'd be a yes to the first and a nay to the latter from me. DOH!

I have every intention when creating a list of family activities, to do every single one, but gosh darn it, its hard for me.  I try every year and we never complete our list. Something I often struggle with is finding the balance of, having fun adventures/experiences with my kids but keeping their expectations low.  That may sound bad, but I'm just not the mom that's taking their kids to do something every weekend. I just can't do that. So when we do something its like SUPER exciting, but then I feel bad we don't do things like that more often...then the cycle just keeping going and going. Its madness, but creating a silly bucket list can be so stressful. 

So, in order to keep my self-confidence up & stress levels down this year I've decided instead of making some grand list, I'm going to try and just enjoy and make the things we are already doing this winter/holiday our family bucket list. I'm hopeful that this will help the time we spend together as a family more meaningful. 

  • attend a family Christmas party
  • have one date night & day date
  • attend Evelyn's orchestra concert. get treats after.
  • watch Amelia be baptized
  • sing Christmas songs
  • hug my children and tell them I love them
  • pay for someones meal at a restaurant/drive thru
  • send a letter in the mail
  • send a gift in the mail
  • make treats for neighbors
  • read Christmas stories
  • serve our friends & neighbors
Whatever we do, small or big, I know I just want my family by my side enjoying the holidays. 
Thanks for stopping by! 

I'm linking up this post with the Mommy Style Monday ladies. Click the links below to see the different bucket lists they've got going on. 

Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline // CaseyLand
Monica //  It's All About

If you'd like to sign up and join us in the next Mommy Style Monday link up visit Kiana at Glitter&Donuts or Madeline at CaseyLand


2018 LDS Mutual Theme Peace in Christ YW Binder Covers | FREE Printable

2018 is just around the corner!

Time to get things in order for next year LDS mutual theme: Peace in Christ

I've created some simple but cute binder covers, and I'm not using them so I thought i'd share and hopefully help someone else out. Binder covers for YW presidency & class presidencies: CLICK HERE to download your FREE binder covers.
For a BLANK version click HERE
2 inch binder spine: HERE 

I hope you use and enjoy them!

*Thank you to everyone who has left comments and used the binder covers! It means so much to me that you like them! ps. my 1 inch binder spines have been giving me grief so hopefully I can fix that and get those on here quick! 

Also check out my posts for YW SECRETARY HELPS & YW INVITATIONS


Slow and Steady

November 2017 vs 3 Weeks postpartum April 2016
obviously same shirt 

This is what slow weight loss looks like after having a baby.  I don't understand why so many want to just "bounce back" so soon after having a baby. I don't know about you but not everyone has the ability to do that. We're all different inside and out, and some take longer to loose weight gained during, and after pregnancies.

I've tried many times to loose weight too soon after I've had babies and it back fires... every.single.time.
Why? Because my body & mind are not ready for it.  It takes at least a good year for my hormones, and hips and all sorts of other things to recover from creating life and bringing that life to the world, but its mostly mental.

I am not even close to being mentally ready to change my eating, let alone exercise.  I try a little at a time. Everything clicks, eventually, but if it doesn't then I know its time to stop and start again later instead of beating myself up about it and causing even more mental and physical abuse to myself.

It's clicked quickly this time around because it was an absolute must that diets change in our household. Leo is 20 months and I've started and stopped many time and I was very much ready for a change. My body was screaming at me to change, even a little. I was ready cause its for the health of Chris, but it also needed to be a family change. Its much easier to make a change if you have your closest support system right there along with you for the ride.

We've cut way down on carbs, still have them though, cause I just can't not have it, boosted our protein, vegetable and water intake, and its having positive effects already. We still indulge a little, but we're already to the point that it would make us sick if we went too far over the edge. Which I see as a good thing. Our bodies are resetting.

We've been a little over a month in and I've lost some weight, Chris has too, we just feel a little better and that's the whole purpose in this, feel better. It's not about a weight loss number, although its been a positive side effect.

I did an Instagram post about not caring about the number of my weight. I weigh a little less now but seriously who really cares. Weight is such a weird thing with women, when it shouldn't be.

I've gone way off, and if i kept talking about it I would just blow up. So I'm going to end this with thought of weight loss, especially those postpartum...

Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done!

By the way, the tortoise did beat the hare. Just saying.


Cold Weather Momiform

Today's Mommy Style Monday topic made me lol a little. Being in Arizona, it's just finally starting to feel like fall. We've been flirtin with low 80's finally. 😂So cold weather is still about a month or so away, but even when it gets cold, my wardrobe doesn't change much from fall to winter.

I'm kidding, well right now that's true, only a light jacket needed but come end of December & January you'll find me huddled in the corner wishing I had purchased a snuggy. 

One thing i'm always super excited about with my cold weather momiform is wearing jeans, and not getting heat stroke wearing them. Weird I know, but you learn to appreciate the little things like that. In addition to that you'll see me sporting just a simple shirt, mostly short sleeve but I'll wear a cardigan or jacket with them, or I'll wear quarter length sleeve shirts, so no extra is needed.

On my feet I'm wearing some kind of flip flop most days, otherwise closed toe flats. The second I get home shoes off and socks on. I have an easier time staying warm if my feet aren't cold, anyone else? 

This is my new favorite shirt, I found it on clearance at Walmart for $7 and then went back and bought another one in black. I would have a 3rd but the plum color was sold out in my size. I knew I should have snagged them all. Never again. 

See look jeans! I found these stretchy skinny jeans at Target. They were a size down from what I would have bought a few months ago, that was exciting. The legs are a little long and a little loose though, but I'll be sewing them up shortly for a perfect fit.

Mr. Link came to visit after taking photos. My momiform also doubles as a cat mom too. 😉 When I find something I love and am comfortable I run with it!

What does your cold weather wardrobe look like? What's your favorite winter accessory?

Thank you for stopping by today and checking out my mom style! Click on over and see the other's momiforms.

Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline //  CaseyLand

If you'd like to sign up and join us in the next Mommy Style Monday link up visit Kiana at Glitter&Donuts or Madeline at CaseyLand


Happy National Cat Day {From Your Friendly Neighborhood Cat Lady}

National Cat Day was founded to help the public recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued.  The day also encourages cat lovers to celebrate the cats in their lives for the unconditional love and companionship that they bestow upon them.
Awwww well, I will be paying extra attention to my cats today. 😻😻😻😻

If you don't like cats, well then that's just sad. 



Family Photos

Remember my last post about me getting ready for family pictures? Well here are some of the pictures.  We got so many good ones back! I didn't want to share them all at once though. 

These were taken at a location just a couple miles from our house next to a different housing development. Since we live out of town a ways, these special spots are close by.  

Seriously, Hunt Highway is about 40 yards to our right in the first photo. 

We absolutely love the photographer, an amazing 17 year old, Jacquelyn. It's so much fun watching her develop a love and talent for photography and that she let us be models for her. 💗

I love the individual shots she got of the kids. Each one portrays them so perfectly. 

We love our photos! 


I got dressed and put on makeup today!

Today for Mommy Style Monday its all about getting ready.  Which was convenient cause I had something to actually get ready for.  

A young women in my ward asked to take our family pictures for a school project for her photography class, and of course I was happy to volunteer our family to help. 

I like to keep my make up neutral as possible. I'm not a fan of going crazy with colors or weirdness. 
For me the most important part of my getting ready is my brows.  Its all about the brows baby. 

So here we go. Get ready with me! 

Mommy Style Monday Get Ready with me | Good Job Momma

If you want to skip the video, that's okay. I took pictures of everything I used below. :) 

Here are the products I use in my video to get my face ready.
Mommy Style Monday Get Ready with me | Good Job Momma
Covergirl BB Cream 810-Light to Medium
NYC Bronzer Color Wheel
Wet n' Wild Blush - Rose Champange
Mommy Style Monday Get Ready with me | Good Job Momma
ELF Volume Plumping Mascara
ELF Mad for Matte Eyeshadow Palette
Flower Take A Brow Eyebrow Kit
Mommy Style Monday Get Ready with me | Good Job Momma
Mary Kay Powder Brush
Mary Kay Eyeliner/Eyebrow Brush

ELF Blending brush (right white brush)
ELF Defining brush

Mommy Style Monday Get Ready with me | Good Job Momma

Mommy Style Monday Get Ready with me | Good Job Momma

Thank you for stopping by today and checking out me getting ready! See how the other Mommy Style Monday ladies get themselves ready!

Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline //  CaseyLand
Britt //  My Little Sunshines
Monica //  It's All About

If you'd like to sign up and join us in the next Mommy Style Monday link up visit Kiana at Glitter&Donuts or Madeline at CaseyLand


DIY: Painting Kitchen Cabinets

I mentioned on my instagram stories that I had painted my kitchen cabinets. Builder grade cabinets are basically the ugliest, so in the midst of fall break I broke out the paint and started.

I finished the upper cabinets in 2 days and now am working on the bottom ones, which will take more time, but should be done quickly. Even just the top ones done it make a world of difference for the kitchen. The kitchen is instantly brighter and it makes me so much happier to be in there. The last time I painted cabinets was 6 years ago: oh my heck, awesome  Has it really been that long!? Crazy.

Okay, lets get to it.

Here are the items I used and some instructions on how I went about it.

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

Brushes: angled brush, foam brushes, and foam roller brush
DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

Paint: Glidden semi-gloss paint (it doesn't make it too shiny, and cleans well) color I used is called White on White

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

First thing in painting cabinets is to prep. Scrub/clean the cabinets, you can try sanding but if you have builder grade cabinets like myself, it won't do ya much good, but it can't hurt the process if you'd like to. It does help remove tough residue on the cabinets above the microwave.

After you've cleaned the cabinets, remove the cabinet doors. You can paint with them still hung but you'll probably have to take them off to fix mistakes(a lesson learned) so just take them down and save yourself some time. I used food storage cans(#10 cans) underneath the cabinet doors when painting to keep them off the ground and easier to paint all around them. Give better height and stability then regular smaller cans.

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

Prime prime prime! I do at least 2-3 coats of primer letting each coat dry at least 2 hrs.
I start with the inside then work out.

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

I use a brush to paint the inside and outside edges and then the foam paint roller to paint the flat surfaces.

While the doors are drying I paint the base cabinets. Using the roller and paint brush to get everything. Same with any drawers. I just set it off the edge of the counters so I have room around all sides to reach.

Again everything needs at least 2-3 coats of primer. If you have any drip lines or drops just lightly sand them out and you'll be good to go on the next coat.

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

Top coat will probably be another 2 coats, and if you primed well then things should go smoothly. 

DIY: painting kitchen cabinets | Good Job Momma

Painting cabinets can be intimidating, but it's really simple and what's great is if you mess up just sand and paint over! If you miss a spot when your done (I've found many spots where I missed) just paint it. 

I hope this was helpful! Seriously though just go buy paint and do it! 



We needed a new bed frame desperately.  When we moved we quickly bought a spring bed frame that wasn't too expensive so we wouldn't be sleeping on a mattress on the floor. We always said it would just be temporary and almost four years later and I was so over it! I needed a place to hang my halo and a four post bed was the only thing I could do that with. 

We've had pallet board wood pilling up in our garage for a good year or so and enough was enough. It was cooling off, sorta, and we needed to clear space for other big project and we had been putting it off for too long. 


We went from a simple drawing of plans

to actually seeing it become a reality

...to completion. What felt like forever and a day, really wasn't that long. We worked on it on weekends, and ended up being about 3 weekend but the man hours was probably about 2 days worth. I sanded and stained after Chris assembled, then Chris polyurethane'd it to perfection! Since it weighed a ton and we knew we couldn't fit it up the stairs assembled Chris took an afternoon set it all up. Lots of screws and pockets screws later we have an amazing bed that we love and will basically come with the home if we ever move. Its a beast! But that's what we wanted! Its perfect! 

The head board and foot board panels are made from the pallet boards and the rest was lumber from home depot. Hey, home depot wanna collaborate on our next project?? We love the depot! 


Leo got a haircut

Leonard got a sweet hair cut last week, and it happened.  

He's a pretty crazy boy as is, but once his hair was buzzed I swear on my life he got a little more naughty.  

My mom told me that would happen with my younger brother.  I guess getting your hair buzzed and becoming even more crazy is a family trait. 😂😂😂

Well whatever it is, Leo is still cute. I'm hopeful his added strength weakens as his hair grows. LOL! 


Unique Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

*this is a sponsored post for UncommonGoods. I was compensated for my time, but all opinions expressed are me, myself and I
Mine and Chris's 11 year anniversary is approaching. Oh, be steel my heart.  Steel! Get it? 😂

Oh right you probably don't. Steel, is the traditional gift for the 11th wedding anniversary. I've never been one to go with traditions though. Especially, when it comes to giving gifts to my husband. I've been thinking a lot about what I should get Chris this year and not much has come to me. I wanted different, not your run of the mill gift, something uncommon. 

The clouds parted, the sun shined and what fell before me was the answer I needed,UncommonGoods

UncommonGoods is a site where if you're looking for personalized, handmade, recycled, or organic products, this is where you find it. Not only that, they're a company with an uncommon mission to have a positive impact in the workplace and in the world and giving back.
Is it too soon to talk about Christmas? Cause, shopping for my kids and family is basically done, and done! ✔✔

4 Unique Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas | Good Job Momma

As I was saying, Chris and I went through and picked out a few unique anniversary gift ideas that fit our personalities perfectly. 

Unique Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

The Gentlemen Grooming Kit

Did you know that Chris grew his beard for me? Near the early stage of our relationship I mentioned how great he would look with one, and he's had it ever sense. I've been telling him for years though, that he needs to get products specifically for beards to take care of it. This is a perfect gift for him. 
Unicorn Cereal Bowl

Chris saw this and said "I don't need to keep looking cause this is you." He really does know me. 💓 I've got quite the collections of mugs and bowls from Chris. "All your favorite things together in one, unicorns and you love soup and cereal, this was made for you" awwwwwww.
Awkward Moment Game

FOR US: Awkard Moment Game

Chris and I love playing card games, but I don't like losing.  I think there are only winners in this game. I can guarantee lots of laughing and fun while playing this game together.

  Pizza Rescue Kit
FOR HIM OR HER: Pizza Rescue Kit

We both agree that with our love of pizza this would be a hilarious yet practical gift that either one of us would be happy to receive. Marriage is like a pizza, and you need extra stuff to make it perfect. 😂 There's some amazing marriage advice for ya!

So tell me, what unique gifts have you given or been given for an anniversary? 


Cool Kids

They were willing to take a picture together to send to their Great Grandma Crandell to wish her a happy birthday, so of course I'm going to plaster this all over internet land!

Gosh these kids are cool.  I really should be filming my life, cause some of the things that come out of their mouths, the ideas they have, quirks they have can not be fully captured by words and pictures alone. Maybe I should start doing video clip videos, probably not vlog that could be a little ambitious too for me right now, but we'll see. What I do know is these kids are special and I love that they are mine.


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