if you've noticed i have a serious issue with the lack of posting pictures on here.
i'm a slacker. i am sorry.
i know pictures make a post and my posts are lacking with out them. sad.
well if you have an instagram account follow me! my username is airkaka
i don't have a regular camera. i can't even remember where it is at, and it dies the second i put new batteries in it anyway.so my phone is where the goodies are at!!
anyone else just start singing that song...goodies. no just me and my twisted mind. cool.
i know it's a weird username. i think it's funny to say cause i just made you say kaka. hahaha. im a child. a friend of mine spelt my name airka one time in highschool and i thought it was funny, and thats the story. thanks for asking. :)
oh and i just signed up for this thing called twitter....? i feel like a dinosaur, it's confusing to me. i pretty much just tweet about giveaways i find right now. so if you want to know what to win follow me. i'll eventually understand it and write other things i'm sure. @airkaka87.
so those are other places you can find little ol' me.
if you have an instagram account, twitter, or both i'd love to follow you!! the more the merrier!! weeeee.
Girl, I joined Twitter a year ago and still don't understand it!
Twitter is MAJOR confusing...I feel ya! & you had me laughing over kaka. ;) New follower of le blog....can't wait to read more! I like your sense of humor! :D